Access your inherent creative potential
for healthier, better organised ways of living.
Monthly Workshops for Life & Living
Monthly Workshops for Life & Living
Awareness Through Movement ®
Monthly Weekend Workshops
@ Primrose Hill Community Hall, 29 Hopkinsons Place, NW1 8TN
Monthly Workshops for Life & Living
Find your BALANCE
Sat 28 September 12.45-2.45pm
Sat 19 October 12.45-2.45pm
RIB cage or rib BASKET?
Sat 23 November 12.45-2.45pm
SPINE like a chain
Sun 15 December 1.30-3.30pm
PELVIS & HEAD around a clock
Sat 15 February 12.45-2.45pm
EYES organise the movement
Sat 1 March 12.45-2.45pm
POSTURE in action
Sat 22 March 12.45-2.45pm
go SLOW to go FAST
Sat 26 April 12.45-2.45pm
Sun 11 May 1.30-3.30pm
(Donation only - International Feldenkrais Week - pay £10 or less)
Summer dates:
Sat 24 May 12.45-2.45pm
Sat 14 June 12.45-2.45pm
Sat 19 July 12.45-2.45pm
Please email me for direct booking.
£25 per session (2h)
Upper Hall @ Primrose Hill Community Association, 29 Hopkinsons Place, off Fitzroy Road, NW1 8TN
- Enrolment in progress -
Speak to me if you have questions and to book your place.
(email, instagram)
Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons consist of a series of gentle, ingenious movements, verbally directed and exploratory in nature. There are hundreds of lessons which focus on different themes and interconnections between the nervous system, the muscles, the skeletal system, and our responses to the world around us.
Each month we focus on a different theme keeping us engaged in building a clearer image of ourselves, by paying attention to our sensations as we move. Broadly beneficial and appropriate for people of all ages, interests and abilities.
Whichever theme or area we are exploring, we are always addressing a person as a whole. Allow yourself to be surprised by the effects a session can have on your particular situation, even if you think that certain themes are not relevant for you.
Book your place for a 2 hour long Feldenkrais session and start enjoying the benefits.
Wear comfortable layered clothing. Please bring your own floor mat to lie on if you can (some mats will be provided if you do not bring yours).
£25 per session. Special price – £10 or less for the session on Sunday 11 May.
Everyone welcome. Booking via Eventbrite or contact me directly.
Find your length, find your ground, move with more comfort and ease,
free your breathing, and feel better. What a better way to start your day!
POSTURE in ACTION - - - Monthly Workshops for Life & Living - - -
POSTURE in ACTION - - - Monthly Workshops for Life & Living - - -
Awareness Through Movement ®
Monthly Weekend Workshops
@ Primrose Hill Community Hall, 29 Hopkinsons Place, NW1 8TN
Sat 22 March 12.45-2.45pm
Explore posture as it relates to action, and not to the maintenance of any given position.
Feldenkrais writes:
“Posture ... is ... describing action, and is a dynamic term…. We are concerned with ‘acture’, and not position, with a manner of doing and not a manner of fixing oneself.”
“In any coordinated, well-learned action – such as thinking, speaking, eating, breathing, solving problems, drawing, or fighting – we can distinguish certain features or recognize the following sensations: an absence of effort, an absence of resistance, an absence of holding the breath, and a presence of reversibility.”
“At every instant or stage of a correct act, it can be stopped, withheld from continuing, or reversed without any preliminary change of attitude and without effort.”
Join the session and use a sophisticated combination of movement and attention to reduce muscular tension, improve your confidence and control in mobility, free your breathing, and improve your sense of wellbeing.
Wear comfortable layered clothing. Please bring your own floor mat to lie on if you can (some mats will be provided if you do not bring yours).
£25 per session (2h).
Everyone welcome. Booking via Eventbrite or contact me directly.
*See street art on Primrose Hill bridge by @mrdoodle!
go SLOW to go FAST - - - Monthly Workshops for Life & Living - - -
go SLOW to go FAST - - - Monthly Workshops for Life & Living - - -
Awareness Through Movement ®
Monthly Weekend Workshops
@ Primrose Hill Community Hall, 29 Hopkinsons Place, NW1 8TN
go SLOW to go FAST
Sat 26 April 12.45-2.45pm
Explore a fundamental strategy for learning any new skill, and improve how you sense, move, think and feel, all at the same time.
Join the session and experience the power of going slower.
“Time is the most important means of learning. Fast action at the beginning of learning is synonymous with strain and confusion which, together, make learning an unpleasant exertion.
When one becomes familiar with an act, speed increases spontaneously and so does power. This is not so obvious as it is correct."
(Learn to Learn, Moshe Feldenkrais, 1980)
Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons facilitate sensory-motor learning by exploring movement variations while noticing differences in our sensations.
It is easier to tell differences when the effort is light. And it is difficult to sense a change in the movement quality, or effort, if we move fast.
The lighter the effort we make, the faster is our learning of any skill.
Join the session and use a sophisticated combination of movement and attention to reduce unnecessary effort, make your movements more efficient, free your breathing, and improve your sense of wellbeing.
Wear comfortable layered clothing. Please bring your own floor mat to lie on if you can (some mats will be provided if you do not bring yours).
£25 per session (2h).
Everyone welcome. Booking via Eventbrite or contact me directly.
*See street art on Primrose Hill bridge by @mrdoodle!
Treat yourself with a unique FUNCTIONAL INTEGRATION experience - - - -
Treat yourself with a unique FUNCTIONAL INTEGRATION experience - - - -
International Feldenkrais Awareness Week 2025
Individual sessions at 40% discounted rate for bookings in May
@ The Gestalt Centre, 15-23 St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PT
As part of International Feldenkrais Awareness Week (IFW) 6-13 May, I am offering a number of individual Feldenkrais Functional Integration sessions at discounted rate, as a way of introducing the hands-on modality of the Feldenkrais Method to the wider public.
Book your session at 40% discounted rate throughout May.
International Feldenkrais Awareness Week (IFW) 6-13 May celebrates the birthday of Dr Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984). With his immense body of invaluable work, he anticipated nearly all the current research on neuroplasticity by demonstrating that we can change, learn and develop across our entire life span.
Enjoy the process of learning through movement.
Engage the inherent neuroplasticity of your brain.
Improve your whole self.
The Feldenkrais Method is available in two different ways: as verbally led do-it-yourself classes called Awareness Through Movement, and as individual hands-on sessions called Functional Integration.
In my practice I have noticed that people usually come to Feldenkrais either through group Awareness Through Movement classes, or through the individual Feldenkrais Integration sessions. Only occasionally happens that people engage with both aspects, which I feel is a missed opportunity for improvement.
Awareness Through Movement and Functional Integration complement each other – they are two aspects of the same approach and can potentiate each other exponentially towards the same desired goals.
In most cases, for people with no major mobility or neurological challenges, attending Awareness Through Movement classes with an occasional top-up Functional Integration lesson is a perfect combination.
Book your session and treat yourself with a unique Functional Integration experience.
Limited offer – Special price £60 per session for bookings made in May.
(Note a booking is to be made in May, session by appointment that suits us both may be any time after that.)
Please wear clothing that will not restrict your movement.
Everyone welcome. Contact me directly to book your session.
International Feldenkrais Awareness Week 2025
Sun 11 May 1.30-3.30pm
@ Primrose Hill Community Hall, 29 Hopkinsons Place, NW1 8TN
Enjoy the process of learning through movement.
Improve how you sense, move, think and feel, all at the same time.
The workshop will explore the theme of BALANCE, which is the theme of this year’s International Feldenkrais Awareness Week (IFW) 6-13 May.
International Feldenkrais Awareness Week (IFW) 6-13 May celebrates the birthday of Dr Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984). With his immense body of invaluable work, he anticipated nearly all the current research on neuroplasticity by demonstrating that we can change, learn and develop across our entire life span.
Enjoy the process of learning through movement.
Engage the inherent neuroplasticity of your brain.
Improve your whole self.
The workshop will explore the theme of BALANCE, which is the theme of this year’s International Feldenkrais Awareness Week (IFW) 6-13 May.
Balance is essential to almost everything we do.
Walking, reaching, turning, even the simplest activities require being able to balance while in motion.
Being able to balance when upright prevents us from falling.
Balanced views enable more constructive conversations.
Balancing between options is useful in solving problems.
Breaking strong habits sometimes makes us feel unbalanced.
Disrupting well established patterns sets us up for new learning.
Adapting to uneven surfaces requires a balancing act.
Whether you are interested in improving your balance in movement,
or you would like to maintain your mental and emotional balance,
or you are interested in learning new skills more efficiently, this workshop is for you.
By engaging with movement in an attentive, mindful way, you will discover new possibilities for yourself and learn to use yourself more effectively, with more ease, elegance, skill and power. Broadly beneficial and appropriate for people of all ages, interests and abilities.
Wear comfortable layered clothing. Please bring your own floor mat to lie on if you can (some mats will be provided if you do not bring yours).
Special price – donation £10 or less for the session on Sunday 11 May.
Everyone welcome. Booking via Eventbrite or contact me directly.
Awareness Through Movement ®
Weekly online group classes
@ your comfortable home
WEDNESDAY 6.30pm (London time)
12 weeks - 8 January to 26 March 2025
then 12 weeks from 23 April
THURSDAY 9am (London time)
(in Serbo-Croatian language)
12 weeks - 9 January to 27 March 2025
then 12 weeks from 24 April
First class FREE
Email me for Zoom link and booking options.
(email, instagram)
12 class segment £135
5 classes £60, drop-in class £13, first class free
(some concessions available)
If you miss a class that you booked,
you will receive an audio recording of the class.
Functional Integration ®
Individual hands-on sessions
@ The Gestalt Centre, Camden NW1 0PT
Individual sessions
Individual Functional Integration®
hands-on sessions by arrangement.
Please contact me to book your session.
£100 per session (50min), or £450 for 5 sessions
(reduced rates available for regular group class attendees)
Awareness Through Movement ®
Community weekly classes
@ Working Men’s College Camden
Feldenkrais classes
@Health & Wellbeing section
Art for Relaxation and Feldenkrais
@Supported Learning: Health & Wellbeing section
Go to WMC website to enrol:

explore movement as a medium for learning
engage the inherent neuroplasticity of your brain
improve your whole self