“I love my spine, my sitting bones, my pelvis.
I love the tip of my tailbone.
I love my heavy head.”
AC, April 2020
Artwork created after the lesson, emerging from the experience of the lesson.

“What a jaw! Lick my hips” “Send me to my Psoas” “So Circular. Or is it Lemniscate?”
Anja C, Autumn 2022
“That movement with the pelvis – I could not get it at the beginning of the class. It was so minuscule and barely could feel it. Not that many questions were popping up this time. The big difference was with arm movement. I was just able to pass the fingers of other hand, then again after Ana’s magic: Hop, the whole hand passed the other! Posture is the other thing that changed massively too!”
AJ, Novemeber 2022
“I never know what I (my body) really needs and wants until after the class. Then I find out that the lesson covered what I needed to do and I always walk taller and happier.”
JA, December 2021
“I have benefited greatly from these sessions and am now completely addicted to the feeling of wellbeing after each session.”
VZ, March 2022
“I always feel fantastic after this lesson. I walk taller, stand straighter, and feel more relaxed and centered. ”
JA, March 2022
“It was difficult to begin with and I didn’t think I could do it, but I did! :) And I liked it :)”
NM, June 2022
“I have found out about the Feldenkrais Method from Dr. Bessel van der Kolk’s book “The body keeps the score”. (note: The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma, 2015)
It helped me with my PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) symptoms. I have managed to discover new ways to move my body and brought me more awareness about how I move and what are the areas where I store more stress.”
CP, July 2022
“I have improved my awareness of the different muscles and tendons that contribute to a movement of the body and where I am overusing these muscles.”
“(After the lesson) I became aware that I was holding my neck more upright and without stress.”
“Sense of achievement from managing slow small movements with opposing directions for different parts of body.”
“When I was at home after the lesson I felt very at one with myself, calm and able to sit feeling relaxed.”
JW, April-July 2022
“What has changed?”
Contact mapping: before and after the lesson
ID, February 2022
Sketches made after the lesson, recreating the experience of the lesson.

“Butterfly ribs” “Rolling & balancing triangles” “Delicate balance/pushing shoulder” “Balloon bones”
Anja C, Winter 2022-23
“I benefited from the series of classes, particularly with severe stress and anxiety symptoms.”
DF, March 2022
“I have become more mindful about my body and its complex connections. I am more aware of my body and how gentle movements can be very powerful. It has been surprising to learn about the power of gentle movement.”
NM, March 2022
“Transition between lying on the back to side lying and standing up has improved. I have learned to turn in an easier way.”
GO, May 2022
“Shoulder pain in the morning and during the class noticeably absent in the afternoon. Have used exercise during the week after the class to ease pain.”
PS, May 2022
“Felt tired but more relaxed. Definitely changed anxiety for the better. Was dosing off momentarily while doing each exercise which is remarkable as it obviously switched on parasympathetic system. I am on benzos to get same effect. (note: Benzodiazepines are a type of sedative medication). Body and mind much relaxed :)”
KT, May 2022
“It has been a good introduction to Feldenkrais and I have been utilising aspects of it in my daily life. Has helped with recovery from an ankle injury. Really found ‘tripod lesson’ helpful as I have had issues with my ankle and foot.“
WH, June 2022
“I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed last night’s lesson. It was really, really good. In the lesson I enjoyed that movement, I like that sort of twisting and diagonal, I really enjoyed the lesson. And then I was so, so surprised – when I went to lie down in my bed, I was just so much more comfortable lying down. Normally when I go to bed I am sort of afraid of being all cold and I have hot water bottles and I am all scrunched up in a ball. And then last night when I got into bed it was just nice and stretched out and flat. I felt really nice and flat on the mattress. Yes, I was so surprised, it was a really good feeling. And then obviously when I did my yoga this morning that was also really good. And sitting, sitting during meditation was also easier, because of all that spine arrangement. Thank you.”
AC, March 2022
“Happy Feet”
‘Foot lesson’ inspired beach walk
FG, February 2022
“It's hard to say exactly what I get from Ana's Feldenkrais classes because a lot of what happens seems to work on a non-verbal or even a pre-verbal level. Sometimes I have no idea what's going on in a session, or if I'm moving in the "right" way or if I'm even understanding Ana's directions properly. But what I often find is that during a class my mental activity seems to quieten down and I'm left with the delicious sensation of being more in my body and sensations, even if they're not always comfortable. And I can become aware of my tensions more deeply and when I'm holding my breath or using too much force.
My favourite classes are the ones where I end up rocking, rolling or crawling like a baby. There's a real rediscovery of myself in these movements that isn't connected to thought or language. There's a freedom from being an adult for a while and a new realisation that I don't really need much more than my body and to be grateful that it can move and be more open. Feldenkrais complements and enhances the work I do in my individual therapy and allows me to gently accept who and what I am. And Ana's frequent laughter and the fact that she doesn't take the classes too seriously is a real help for me.”
DC, December 2019
“Hi, I thought I’d make a little message while I’m out for my walk. Just to say thank you, ‘cause today I am just…. my walk is easier, standing is easier, breathing is easier, and….. I am just surprised, but….. not surprised, because I know you’ve been saying this – because last night I made my movements even smaller than I normally would, and the whole class we were so still, just lying on our backs the whole class, and the movement with the shoulders was just really so small, and I consciously tried to make it even smaller than I would normally in previous Feldenkrais classes.
And yeah…. it is just amazing, how that smallness translates into so much, so much ease. Just comparing to yesterday – the difference in my standing, in walking, breathing, between the two days. Yes…. so thank you. Feldenkrais is just really genius… :)”
Anja C, February 2021
“Look at the Hands”
Inspired by ‘Arm lesson’
FG, March 2022
Many ways of breathing – recreating the experience of the lesson through visual expression.

“Butterfly breath 1” “Butterfly breath 2” “Diagonal breathing” “Balloon breath”
Anja C, Winter 2022-23
“I feel my body and health improved. My concentration has improved.”
AP, May 2022
“The improvements are small but significant and are contributing to other ‘wellbeing’ activities I am undertaking to improve my mental health.”
JW, October 2021
“I feel like I breath deeper, and stand taller, and walk straighter. Have re-connected with my breathing and body.”
JA, October 2021
“…. I am very much enjoying the classes and finding gaining deeper awareness of my body so beneficial. …. Improved coordination in movement, increased focus. I feel calm and relaxed after every class. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow.”
JN, October 2021
“I notice my own movements so much better. I notice weaknesses and imbalances in my body. I feel very relaxed and at peace after the class. I notice how my body is affected – affects my ‘mood’ (‘mood’ is not quite the right word). I am more aware of myself as an embodied entity.”
AG, October 2021

Series of insights related to (not only) running
“Enjoyed the class last night and are enjoying the effects today. Felt light on my run this morning. I don’t feel so stressed but there is a lot of tension in my shoulders. The class helped with that.” – March 2020
“Thank you-thank you. I noticed a big 'weight loss' on my leg. Nice feeling, nice surprise.” – May 2020
“I had a Feldy lightbulb moment while running this morning. It was like WOW. But actually the seed was planted in that Feldy workshop we went to. I.e. it took me a loooong time :)” – May 2020
“…..The idea that the body is 3 dimensional (crazy idea :)) and compressing and lengthening is helping me. Also, that the legs push against the earth instead of pulling the knees up.... Revolutionary stuff!!!” – June 2020
“So glad I made it to class yesterday. Thank you for the lesson. I had a great run this morning. I found that my head was more free because my feet and ankles were more free.” – July 2020
“I had a Feldy thought during my run this morning…. I think I have been running based on feedback from eyes/ head mostly instead of my feet and legs. And in addition to that, I think because we spend so much time on computer we get used to feedback from the eyes and it always being at a certain distance from our eyes. So, when I go out to run I run with my eyes which is set at a 'computer distance' i.e. directly in front of me. Whereas in running especially uphill and downhill you are better off looking ahead along the gradient and into the distance instead of just in front of the feet.… You also said in the lesson with eyes, we hardly ever look into the distance, the long distance view.” – July 2020
“I discovered that when you do that movement that we did in class last night while standing up, instead of lying on the floor, you move forward instead of roll. I found it very useful in my run this morning. Also moving the fingers while the arm/ shoulder is moving across the body.” – July 2020
“…. Please meet M. , a very good and dear friend. She is a fantastic long distance runner, but lately, she has also been falling quite regurlarly and she had some serious falls. I told her that I stopped tripping after doing a few sessions of Feldenkrais. I recommended that she tried a lesson …..”
CSG, November 2020
“Happy Face - Relax your Jaw”
“I ate something after class and noticed a difference in my chewing! A more engaged chewing. My chewing was always one sided. Tonight it felt more equal both left and right and upper and lower jaw. It felt good!
It is amazing. Most def.
It was also easier to floss. I didn't feel like I had to 'get in there' as much. The back teeth felt easier to reach.”
AC, December 2020
“Last week was amazing, and I have been rolling a little since then, has worked wonders for the sciatica.”
KC, July 2020
“And just to comment on the classes, that I find especially afterwards in the evening (like now) that the effects become apparent, and for example after last week's 'ribs' class (leaning our head on our arm and everything) I had a really 'spacious' feeling and a sense of overall ease, that I feel is building up over time as the classes go on, so that during the day I feel those effects as well. Just wanted to pass that on to you!”
BR, December 2020
“Thank you: something for me to explore again some time. I was considering this place some time ago; visual/ emotional/ verbal…. memories arising from movements (into) postures; external environments combined with memories eliciting habitual movements and postures, which I can become conscious of and so change.”
NH, April 2020
“Just wanted to say thanks for class yesterday, it was interesting to explore the world of Feldenkrais, and I look forward to the next class as I am curious how it changes!
An aspect of the class that resonated with me most was what that is was such a contrast to my day! Changing focus from big picture/world problems/project issues (must do/achieve) , to connecting with the ground and body, without expectation.
Feels like a very healthy thing to be doing right now!”
FG, May 2020
“… Just wanting to say thank you for the pelvic movement class last Wednesday. I have done quite a lot of pelvic opening exercises, however the spinal movement we did was new to me, and a welcome addition.”
NH, July 2021
tick tock
“Perpetual motion of the Pelvic Clock. Classic Feldenkrais. I was inspired by our conversation. Still experimental. They were nice to create, to remember what the lesson felt like.”
AC, October 2020