Ana Stojadinovic

Feldenkrais® Practitioner FG(UK)

Camden NW1 London UK


I discovered Feldenkrais by chance, led by curiosity, and from my first class I was fascinated. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced before – so effective and yet so gentle and considerate movement practice. Each weekly class left me with profound and immediate effects on how I stand, move and feel, eliminating sedentary lifestyle associated discomforts, and made everything I do easier and more comfortable.

I wondered how “this thing” works? Quite quickly I decided to enrol on a four year long professional training in London. This enabled me to experience the method in much more depth, complementing the initial immediate benefits with others, more gradual and cumulative.

I trained and practised as an architect, then specialised in lighting and I work as an independent lighting designer in London. I find that many concepts I consider essential for high quality lighting design practice – such as integration, coordination, orientation, attention to detail, sensitivity to noticing differences, interrelatedness and wholeness – and above all human need, perception and response, are also some of the key principles in understanding, experiencing and practising the Feldenkrais Method.

Through its emphasis on experiential learning, the Feldenkrais Method offered a means to improve many aspects of my everyday personal and working life: from sitting and walking more comfortably, refining interpersonal relations, to performing my design related activities with more ease, efficiency and elegance.

Probably the most profound and all-encompassing benefit of the method for me was to enable me to feel more comfortable within my own skin. And this is a starting point for anything you do, or do not do, and how you do it. But often we are not even aware that something could be improved, until we experience the improvement. And Feldenkrais just does that.

Maintaining an ever-inquisitive personal practice I continue to be fascinated by the method. It is exciting to have an opportunity to assist people discover some of the benefits for themselves.